Monday, November 23, 2009

engine out

pretty straight forward once I figured out the CV joints and the clutch cable - only forgot one thing - the tach cable

Friday, November 20, 2009

ready to drop the engine

Just a few last bits to do before the drop (clutch cable, CV's)

All in - Left side sheet metal and floor pans arrrived today

Floor panels

This is just the left side

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sheet metal for the left side and the floor pans are ordered - planning the engine drop for this weekend

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

trying to figure out the lock post replacement

Here is someone else's project. Can't find the spot welds that it looks like need to be removed. Not sure if I have to replace the entire from section of the quarter as well.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Decisions, decisions

At first, it seemed fairly straightforward. I'd keep the engine and suspension in place and make the rust repairs to the tub and panels and then do a repaint. Thought I had a little structural repair to do but mostly panels - lids, fenders, doors. Now, not so straight forward.

Will need to do floor pans, longitudinals, seat rail supports, cowl and various other bits. I've already got most of the tools I need. Bought a welder, compressor and air tools, paint guns, etc. To do these repairs I'll need to drop the drivetrain, take the gas tank out and put the tub up on supports. Might even need a rotisserie. Several years of work for sure.

Other option is to part it out, take the loss and look for another project. These early cars all have issues though. The pre-galvanized cars all rust at some point and usually in the same spots. I've aleady sourced some of the sheet metal that I need - NOS inner rocker, NOS lock post, out rocker, front lip, etc.

Not sure what I'll do yet.

Of course, it got worse

It didn't get any better once the grinder and cutting wheel came out

But then the four letter word raised its ugly head

It Began So Innocently